App of the day is published every weekday by ITProPortal. This week I've selected the following apps:
Monday 16 June 2014 Taskworld
Taskworld is a task management app for teams, and it's designed to help people work together towards shared goals.
Tuesday 17 June 2014 YouCam Snap
YouCam Snap does some clever things with photos including producing PDFs for sharing with colleagues, friends and others.
Wednesday 18 June 2014 Pocket Casts
Pocket Casts is a podcast app that’s crammed with features, including the ability to communicate with Google’s clever Chromecast dongle.
Thursday 19 June 2014 Watchup
Watchup is a news aggregator with a difference – it uses video rather than text-based sources and can even alert you when personalised bulletins are ready.
Friday 20 June 2014 Elevate Brain Training
Elevate offers brain training that can allegedly boost your earning power – now there’s something that will grab a lot of people’s attention.
Monday 16 June 2014 Taskworld
Taskworld is a task management app for teams, and it's designed to help people work together towards shared goals.
Tuesday 17 June 2014 YouCam Snap
YouCam Snap does some clever things with photos including producing PDFs for sharing with colleagues, friends and others.
Wednesday 18 June 2014 Pocket Casts
Pocket Casts is a podcast app that’s crammed with features, including the ability to communicate with Google’s clever Chromecast dongle.
Thursday 19 June 2014 Watchup
Watchup is a news aggregator with a difference – it uses video rather than text-based sources and can even alert you when personalised bulletins are ready.
Friday 20 June 2014 Elevate Brain Training
Elevate offers brain training that can allegedly boost your earning power – now there’s something that will grab a lot of people’s attention.