There are plenty of portable MP3 players which use flash memory and have capacities of 2GB and 4GB, but 6GB is rarer. SanDisk recently launched players with all three capacities, and a slot for a TransFlash card (also known as microSD), which allows you to bump up their capacity by as much as another 1MB.
The ability to add more memory is not the only reason this player is worth a look. Its clever user interface, ability to play movies, show pictures and record sound, and excellent battery life are all additional points in its favour. And you should find it at an attractive price too.
Read the full review here.
The ability to add more memory is not the only reason this player is worth a look. Its clever user interface, ability to play movies, show pictures and record sound, and excellent battery life are all additional points in its favour. And you should find it at an attractive price too.
Read the full review here.