Review published Orange SPV M600

My review of Orange's SPV M600 has been published at

I've been reviewing handheld computers for years, and have been heard to say on more than one occasion that nobody can beat the good old Psion Series 5 for sheer usability. I still use a Psion NetBook very regularly for working out of the office, and it does me fine for writing tasks.

But when it comes to pocket computing I don't have such a strong benchmark. Until very recently I've needed a two piece solution - ie a mobile phone and a PDA, and I've used just about every combination you can think of, and quite probably some you can't.

I've liked a lot of what I have seen, and some of the solutions that are claimed to be the ideal handheld and phone combination do work well - but not well enough for me. I have still, pretty much consistently, finished up carrying both a PDA and a phone - the latter a smartphone, of course - when travelling.

The tide may be changing with the advent of smaller format Windows Mobile devices like Orange's new SPV M600 - and you can find similarly sized alternatives from other operators as well as without an operator connection. Certainly I've lived with it, and before that with a variant from i-mate - the JAMin - for more than month so far with no complaints.

Find out why I think so by reading my review here