Samsung YP-K3 mobile music player review published

The YP-K3 is a slim and sleek mobile music player from Samsung, and fits into a category already well populated with devices. It comes in 2Gb and 4GB versions, and plays music, has a photo viewer, and incorporates and FM radio. It can't display album art, and has no sound recorder. Nor can you expand on the built in memory as you can do with SanDisk's excellent Sansa e200 range of players.

Like several other players it has touch sensitive controls. Unlike other players, these controls are actually quite good. I'm not a fan of touch controls on any portable device. Give me a real button or slider or wheel - something tactile - any day. The problem I generally find with touch sensitive controls is that you are never sure if you've actually selected anything till the effect appears on screen, and the time lag, however short it may be, is irritating.

The controls here are among the best I've seen, though, and I didn't find using them too much of a bother.

You can read my full review of the YP-K3 at, here.